Sunday, August 1, 2010

August's Reading List

  It's hard to believe that it's already August.  July seemed to fly past in a whirlwind (my work was crazy busy) and though I did complete everything on July's reading list (well I'm still slogging through Ulysses) and a few other books, I felt like I didn't get as much reading done as I would have liked. 

  But it's a new month, and here is what is on this month's reading list:
         For reading groups:        The Housekeeper and the Professor by Yoko Ogawa
                                               The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
                                               In the Heart of the Sea: The Tragedy of the Whaleship Essex by Nathaniel Philbrick

         For the little reader's readalong:  The Book of Negroes by Lawrence Hill (I'm also counting this one towards the Canadian Book Challenge 4)

   Mid-month I'm heading up to visit my family in Winnipeg and celebrate my birthday with Michael Buble (well, I'll be at his concert anyway) and since it's a 14-hour drive each way I suspect I will pick up a couple of audiobooks to keep me and the hubster entertained on the journey.   He is not a reader, but he says he will be interested in listening to books, so I have to search out some that we can both enjoy.


  1. It has a been a long time since I read The Adventures of Huckelberry Finn. I haven't read any of the other titles in your list. I'll have to check them out.
    I hope you have a great birthday! It sounds like visiting family and going to a Buble concert will be fun! I love to listen to audio books on a long trip. My husband is not a reader either but he also loves audio books when we have to travel.

  2. I still have to read Huckleberry Finn!
    You might have the same birthday as my husband, the 17th? I also force him to listen to my audiobooks. He pretends he doesn't but I know he listens:)

  3. You've got some great books lined up! Have a great birthday. I keep hearing good things about the Ogawa book. Must check it out.

  4. Thank you all for the birthday wishes -- my birthday is the 14th, the same day as my niece who will be turning 4 so it is a lot of fun to celebrate with her (I'm slightly older than 4!)

    Hubster is also bringing along his iPod, so when I'm driving and want to listen to a book he can tune out and listen to whatever he wants :-).

  5. Hey, You're a week younger than I am. (don't know about the year though). Have a terrific birthday trip. Enjoy the audiobooks. I have really taken to listening to them in the care for the past year or so. They really do help the time pass and I get more books read. I'll look forward to your comments after you read The Best Laid Plans.

    I read The Book of Negros last year and loved it.

  6. ah, maybe we're twins (my birthday's on the 16th)... happy birthday to you and i hope you have a wonderful vacation!

  7. Happy birthday Heather and Lisa! Mine is on the 14th and I will be celebrating with my niece who is turning 4 on the same day (I will be turning slightly older than 4 ;-) )


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