Monday, November 28, 2011

Readathon in December!

If you dislike crowds as much as I do, you will be avoiding major shopping districts on Saturdays from now until Christmas.  But what are you going to do with all of that spare time?  Housework?  (Ummm, no)  Watching TV?  (Is anything decent ever on TV Saturdays?)  Nap?  (Tempting....)

How about reading (Yayyyyyyyyy!)

Amanda of the extremely witty blog Dead White Guys and Brittney of The Souls of Thought are co-hosting a readathon (official name:  Belated Readathon For Those Who Forgot About the Last One or Were Out of Town or Slept Through it or Whatever) on Saturday, December 3rd, beginning at 7:00 am, and running through Sunday, December 4th at 7:00 am.  It's a fairly casual thing; you aren't obligated to participate in all 24 hours but if you have a blog they encourage periodic updates to make sure "you aren't buried under your TBR pile".  (hey, it could happen).

So I will be participating, though I can't see myself participating for all 24 hours (I do need beauty sleep periodically).  That said, I am going to challenge myself to read as much as I can with the aim of helping others during this holiday season; for every hour I read, I pledge to donate $5 to Sit Stay Read, a Chicago charity that encourages at-risk children to read to dogs, in turn increasing their confidence and love of reading. 

My reading list?  I haven't exactly figured that out yet, but I think I'm going to go with the lighter, fluffier books on my TBR pile and hopefully clear some of them off the shelf.   I'll probably pick out five books, but even though I am a fast reader I only expect to complete two. 

If you have nothing else to do on Saturday, why not join us (sign up here)?  Or if you do have a life have other plans, why not check in with us once or twice to cheer us on?


  1. Oh, how I miss being able to do these weekend read-a-thons... Flip-side of running a bookshop, see - you have to work every weekend and miss out on the actual READING!

    I guess I'll just have to live vicariously through you guys instead, won't I? :)

  2. I've just come out of the Thankfully Reading weekend so it's not ideal... but it's also good fun and an excuse to read even more. (yay!)

    Maybe...maybe I'll join in !

  3. This is such a great idea, and event though I have a few things going on Saturday, I might be able to get in some reading time during the morning and late afternoon. Thanks for sharing this with us!

  4. I love all these read-a-thons! Although I never sign up, I love the excuse to just sit down and read. "well, it's for the readathon I never signed up for, so why not read some?"


What do you think? Good or bad, I'd love to hear from you (but be nice - I'm sensitive!)